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Dear Friends,
I guess, it has been a while without hearing any news from me after my early return from my third acclimatization cycle. Just a quick update about myself. Yes, as mentioned in previous reports, I was suffering from some unknown virus infection that affected my breathing, especially above 6,500m where the wind is exceptionally strong and persistent. In addition to that, a very persistent bad cough has also been bothering me. These stuff really take time to heal. I’m not sure whether my health would be able to match any coming weather window to complete my acclimatization cycle. In any case, I’m trying my best to rest and recuperate. Despite feeling stronger, I also need to be healthy before I can even give it a shot! As far as I’m concern, I’m not too happy with my progress, but I really can’t do anything much with it. The feeling really sucks!

Although this wasn’t my first experience of altitude, but it is certainly my personal record in terms of sleeping for 6 nights at Advance Basecamp (6,550m). I have never been so immobilized before, playing the waiting game in Basecamp for so many days, waiting for my body to recover. Anyway, I realized that for the climb, you need to be in the right position (right camp), the right weather, in good health and be well acclimatized.

Today, the weather is pretty sunny, ideal for photo sessions. Dave took the opportunity to do some photo shooting. Rozani is getting better with his health. He might be ready to continue with his next acclimatization cycle maybe the day after tomorrow. Many of the sherpas feel that the weather for this season is pretty windy and unstable on the North side. Hopefully, the team will be able to make good progress with a better stretch of good weather?

Signing Off,
Beng Cheong


Fluke instruments allow the team to troubleshoot problems as and when they arise. The scopemeters and other meters are useful in narrowing down and diagnosing our laptop or other electronic equipment. See

From left: Beng Cheong, David, Ting Sern, Gil and Roz. Note Ting Sern’s pleased look!! Read his report on using the Fluke DMM for some emergency repairs.

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