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$10 to Rongbuk Monastry

Dear Friends,

It has been snowing all night at Basecamp. It was like a white Christmas day being captured in a black & white photo. The snow dump is ever bigger up above ABC, resulted in a decision made by the sherpas to return back down to ABC. These sherpas were supposed to assist an American climber up for his summit bid this morning. Looks like his effort of 12 hours pushed yesterday to Camp 5 was really wasted.

This morning, Gil and David managed to catch a good deal from the Chinese jeep driver to go down to Rongbuk Monestary for a visit. Well, due to their problem of speaking Mandarin, I went along to assist. We went looking for Mr.Lui, our LO to ask for the cost of hiring a jeep. We couldn’t find him in his office. Everything was locked up?. We thought whether today is a Chinese public holiday? Eventually, after asking around, we found Mr. Lui with three other Chinese guys gambling inside a Chinese teahouse tent. We were told by Mr. Lui that the standard cost of jeep hire to Rongbuk Monestary is US$10/- per person.

After hearing myself and Ting Sern experience a 6 hour walk, there and back, Dave and Gil decided to chill out and take the jeep option. They had a great photography trip as Everest was in full view! The only disadvantage is, they started a bit late… Yup! They missed a great lunch at Basecamp!

Signing Off,
Beng Cheong

Nera sponsorship of the Worldphone The expedition has been using the Nera Worldphone for connecting into the INMARSAT system as a means of electronic communications. The Worldphone reliability to date has been excellent. No problems were encountered in its usage so far. Our thanks to Nera Singapore for sponsoring us this highly reliable piece of equipment.

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