Oops! new plans
Hi Everybody,
This report was late because we were waiting for our ISDN link to be activated … all featured reports will be sent tomorrow morning (wherever possible).
First, sorry for the previously sent report. It was sent too fast – because …
We are now in the fast lane – 64K ISDN link was just activated and I was not used to the speed of it (having used to 2.4K for the past 1.5 months). Anyway, I have to say “thank you” to the following people/corporations for making this possible –
a) George Tan of Ad Idem Productions (Pte) Ltd for doing all the groundwork for me on my behalf,
b) Temasek Polytechnic’s Satellite Internet Competancy Unit (SICU) for lending us this Nera M4 World Communicator and footing the satellite time as well
c) Steven McClung for carrying the M4 up to Tibet for us
d) Hermstedt Asia (Pte) Ltd for lending us the Marco ISDN Card (for Apple)
e) Pacific Internet for having put in some special effort to activate this ISDN link for us (in less than 3 days – ordinarily will take 1 month!)
Now for today’s late report …
a) Yesterday evening, we received a couple of Singaporeans on a private tour of TIBET. They gave us a very nice surprise – because we didn’t anticipate any more Singaporeans. They came from Lhasa and they will be heading back to Singapore that same way. They also asked us whether we need “Bak Kua” … we appreciated their kindness but we have already overloaded our tents with three different types of “bak kua” !!!!
They are from Left to Right –
Victor Loh, Alvin Neo, Jackie, WTS, Kim Chai & David.
b) Next, a MAJOR CORRECTION on our part ….
Our climbers are only climbing up to North Col today, NOT yesterday as reported. We apologise for this mistake. This also implies that the schedule given yesterday has to be pushed forward ONE day.
The revised schedule is now as follows –
19/5 (Sat) – Climb to North Col
20/5 (Sun) – Climb to C5 (7500m)
21/5 (Mon) – Climb to C6 (8300m)
22/5 (Tue) – Climb from C6 to summit and then back to C6
23/5 (Wed) – Climb down from C6 to North Col (or ABC)
24/5 (Thr) – Climb down from North Col to Advance Basecamp (or maybe Intermediate Camp)
25/5 (Fri) – Reach Base Camp.
Please note this schedule is not craved in stone, but subject to the wishes and whimmes of the weather. There is NO provision for a retry – only one summit slot is allocated.
c) Today, 2 American climbers and 4 sherpas reached the summit of Everest at 9:30am Nepali time. They will pave the way for more teams to reach the summit. The weather today is PREFECT – no wind, no clouds, and a brilliant sun.
Signing off,
Ting Sern & Beng Cheong
Hi Everyone,
The weather today is sunny with scattered clouds over Everest. Our 3 climbers have started their journey from Advance Base Camp to North Col. They will spent a night there and if the weather continue to be good, they will proceed to higher camps as follows:
18th May – North Col (7,000m)
19th May – Camp 5 (7,900m)
20th May – Camp 6 (8,300m)
21st May – Summit attempt & return to Camp 6
22nd May – North Col
23rd May – ABC
24th May – Basecamp
The first team consist of 2 American climbers are going up to camp 6 today. Ahead of them is a team of sherpas breaking the trail above camp 6 and they are now tackling the steep “Yellow Band”. Hopefully they could find the rope to fix it all the way to the “First Step” and beyond.
Signing Off,
Ting Sern & Beng Cheong
Hi everyone,
Our 3 climbers are still in Advance Basecamp, and tomorrow, they will be on their way to the North Col. The weather has been holding up, except the wind is picking up in strength.
Meetings and discussions has been going on at base camp among other climbers – as no expedition have made any attempt for the summit yet. Any first team that is going up will have to endure the hard work of establishing the route all the way to the summit. Subsequent teams will have an easy job of just following their foot steps! The question is who will be the first team???
Signing Off,
Ting Sern & Beng Cheong
Clouds, Sunshine and Wind
Hi everyone,
Today’s weather at Basecamp is mixed. In the early to late morning, we have a cloudless blue sky with strong winds. In the early afternoon, the clouds are in and right now, we have a good sunshine alternating with cloudy weather. However, the wind had picked up a fair deal today!
Our 3 climbers are still at Advance Basecamp, waiting for weather to break.
Latest – ALL 6 American climbers and 1 doctor came back down to base camp, leaving David, Gil, Rozani at ABC and another 2 climbers at north col.
Signing Off,
Ting Sern & Beng Cheong
White out!
HI everybody,
Today’s weather is mean !!! It is very windy, it snowed during the night and early morning, is cloudy, and now, the clouds are coming in (again). Weather forecast says snow, and more snow is expected.
The 3 climbers are now stuck at ABC (Advance Base Camp), due to a white out condition. They can’t move up. They will wait for the weather to get better before deciding what to do next.
Some American climbers are already on their way down to Base Camp because of the wind and snow dumped up high.
We pray for good weather in the next few days.
Signing Off,
Ting Sern & Beng Cheong
Resting at Advance Basecamp
Hi Friends,
This morning I received a message from our climbers. Our team of 3 climbers are now resting in ABC (Advance Base Camp).
The weather at Base Camp is fine – plenty of sunshine, lots of wind, but little clouds.
The American team that was scheduled to summit today was turned back just below the “Yellow Band” (8500m) because of deep snow. Sherpas will be employed to ‘kick steps’ into the deep snow before another attempt will be made at the summit.
Ting Sern
Today’s sponsors feature –
Thanks to Anthony Seah and Allsports, we have over 400 metres of quality Beal fixed line for use on the mountain.
Apart from the numerous handheld cellular telephones, Motorola make some fine wireless radios – which we have been using since 1996.
A total refurbishment of all our GP 68 rugged radios from Motorola – many thanks!
Snow City provides a fun environment for Singaporeans to experience real snow and slides. Snow City has supported the Expedition by providing a novel site for PR and publicity events – not to mention some warm ups on cramponning up the easy snow slopes!
Mother’s Day
Dear Friends,
Today’s weather at Base Camp is beautiful, bright sun and clear blue sky, with little wind. The 3 climbers (Roz, Dav, Gil) are now forging their way up to ABC from I-C. They plan to rest one day at ABC (tomorrow). If the weather permits, they plan to ascend North Col the day after tomorrow. Some American climbers and sherpas have already reached camp 6 today. They were in position for the first ever summit attempt tomorrow after two months into the season. We wish them good luck!
On behalf of Everest 2001 team, We would like to wish every mom in Singapore and around the world a HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY.
Signing Off,
Ting Sern & Beng Cheong
Bobby Traps in the Snow
As the Base Camp is right in the middle of nowhere, we need toilets to dispose of our human waste as well. Well, the toilets are really nothing much – just some “rock walls” built out of small boulders to surround a “pit” for us to dump our waste. The weather (very dry and cold air, hot and cold temperatures) will help nature dispose of the waste pretty fast.
The problem I discovered yesterday morning, was after a heavy snowfall, the snow covers the “dump” pretty efficiently too. When I went up to the open toilet after breakfast – my normal routine, I found that I could not even see the droppings that was deposited just an hour ago. Treading through the snow, I just hoped I don’t stepped on a “bobby trap” that was laid by another fellow human being.
I am wondering how the rest of the base camp folks avoid this problem?
Ting Sern
Dear Friends,
After 2 full days of heavy snowing the team decided to move up to Intermidiate Camp then to Advance Basecamp to wait for a good weather window for the summit bid. The team only consist of David, Gil and Roz. I have given up my summit chance due to my persistent respiratory problem and my deteriorating cough has been causing pain to my right chest and now extended to the back of my right shoulder blade. The Basecamp doctor here has given me advice not to go any higher. Apart from taking painkiller to ease the pains, the doctor recommended leaving base camp for recovery as soon as the team is back from their last summit push.
Personally, I’m fully aware of my health and I knew that my chances of recovery at this altitude is really very slim. Whatever the outcome, I’m glad to be part of the team to make it this far. The prospect of not being able to climb the mountain or make the summit has been a great impact to me. However, as the time passed, I have learned to accept this reality and to make necessary adjustment so as to make full use of my time while being here at Everest North Base Camp. I wish the rest of team member good luck for their summit bid and most important, to return safely.
Signing Off,
Beng Cheong
This email’s sponsor features –
GNC – General Nutrition Centers
Is the Expedition’s Official Nutritional Planner and have supplied the team with a variety of supplements which include the powerful antioxidants Pycnogenols; All- Carbo – energy supplements, multivitamins and more. Many thanks to GNC for keeping us in tip-top shape! http://www.gnc.com
Summit Push Postponed
Dear Friends,
Thanks for warm wishes from Chua Cheng Tee, Mark and Lisa, Outdoor Specialists, Chris and Al Silva, Ken Kay, Nancy Blossom, Carrie Stewart, Russ Kohl and whole heap of others. Frank Katch: yes, we do have a physical evaluation before we go (had a max VO2 test in SIngapore, twice in the past 8 months). Calories-wise, we consume about 1,500 up high on the mountain – unfortunately we burn off about 4,000-8,000 daily when climbing hard. So when down in basecamp, we makeup for the deficits. Still, we will likey lose about 3 – 4 kg of body mass when we finish the expedition
Our webmaster, George, informs us our hit count since the website’s launch in March 2000 has topped 1 million. We’ve also been featured on MacCentral. Macs rule! 🙂
We’ve had heavy snow all night and most of yesterday afternoon. Reports from the North Col say most of or tents are almost buried and there is some avalanche risk on the slopes to the Col. It’s back to a waiting game. We talked about it this morning and have decided to postpone the bid by a day at least. The weather forecasts suggest more snow for the next few days. Some of us are pretty antsy right now having been at basecamp for almost 2 weeks. But that being said, none of us here want to wind up a landmark on the mountain – 44 bodies still up there are testament to the seriousness of the route. Will keep you posted.
Carrying the Rock!!
The team proudly carrying the flags of Singapore (left) and Brazil (right).
Dear Friends,
It’s set. We leave basecamp tomorrow (May 11) for the summit push, with actual summit day being on May 17th. If the weather looks iffy, we may hole up at ABC for one or more days. Currently, the jetstream is still away from Everest although the afternoon snow showers at Basecamp suggest large rloads of snow higher on the mountain. We need some friendly breezes up high to shift this stuff. Unfortunately, winds up high aren’t so good for climbing. Weather forecasts from Meteorological Service of Singapore are good for 4 days but our summit push will take 6-7 days – so we must move and assess the situation as we get higher. So far, to our knowledge, there have been no summit successes this season although we have news that several teams are moving up in our same time frame.
Today, Roz and Gil studied the aerial photos of the route as well as the oxygen equipment and protocols. Both are in good health. We’ll likely be breathing bottled 02 from Camp 5 at about 2.5 litres per minute; cranking it up over more difficult ground. Of course, we will have to take this camp by camp.
Our final rations will include Brands Essence of Chicken, GNC-supplied All-Carbo drink mix, 151 bars as well as freeze dried foods and other drink mixes. Going up to will be the handy Canon MV31 digital video cams and G1 Powershot digital still.
Personally, I’ll be also carrying a few momentoes including a small rock taken from near the summit of Mt Everest in 1998. It was a gift from my friend and Everest summitter Alan Silva. The condition that came with it was that I had to put it back some day. Let’s see how far it goes on this trip!
Keep track of us on our website, “the” source for news on the Expedition,
Report in Portuguese
A hora esta chegando..amanha partimos do Base para entao tentar o cume. O previsto, se tudo correr bem, serao 7 dias daqui ao cume – 17/maio. 2 dias ate o base avancado (6.600m), um dia de decanso, depois colo norte (7.100m), campo 5 (7.800m), Campo 6 (8300) e cume. Retorno em 4 a 5 dias. Para o sucesso da expedicao necessitamoos que tres variaveis sejam totalmente favoraveis: 1 – a nossa condicao fisica; 2 – nossa condicao fisiologica de suportar a extremas altitudes e 3 – o clima (sorte), precisamos que o tempo esteja bom, sem tempestades ou ventos fortes…senao nao dah! Tambem nao podemos ficar esperando no ABC o tempo melhorar, pois nao ha recuperacao fisica aquelas altitudes (6.600m), um ou dois dias tudo bem, mais que isso nao. Escalar o Everest eh um jogo um tanto dificil nao? ficamos tanto tempo se aclimatando, subindo e descendo, e quando vamos para cima eh tudo ou nada, o tempo eh curto, precisamos contar com o “apoio da montanha”…acho que eh ela quem decide..por assim dizer.
Dois dias atras, Rozani, Beng Cheong e eu tivemos umas pequenas “ferias” de dois dias. Descemos a uma altitude de 4.400m numa tipica vila Tibetana. Foi maravilhoso ver o verde novamente (graminias no fundo do vale), dormir numa cama e ficar de camiseta tomando um pouco de sol pela manha. Ao longo dos vales existem inumeras vilas tibetanas, agricolas. As construcoes sao todas iguais, quadradas, de adobe, brancas ou bejes e com as janelas e portas muito coloridas. As casas nao tem telhado, apesar de ter cobertura por causa do frio e vento. Alimentacao a base de arroz, ovo e legumes. Voltamos ontem e hoje eh o dia de preparacao para subir.
Torcam e rezem por nos. Faremos o possivel.
Forte abraco a todos,
Going for the top
Dear Friends,
Our webmaster has informed us, thanks to your enthusiasm, that the Everest website now gathers almost 300,000 hits monthly!
On a more frustrating note is that we have been having repeated problems in securing a satellite uplink at times through our service provider ACes. Numerous explanations such as atmospherics and so on havent really convinced us. There are days when we have been successful in making a standard phonecall but unsuccessful in making a data upload/download. Additionally, on some days, our American friends next door have had no problems making a data connection whilst we might have to try 20-30 times before securing a link.
The good news is that we do have an alternative/backup provider which often works flawlessly (though at a more costly rate). We look forward to getting a solution to this frequent problem from ACes soon.
Once we have a final discussion this afternoon, the team will depart from basecamp for a summit push on May 10/11. The summit team of Roz, Gil and David will move to ABC and then the North Col. Should weather reports suggest favourable winds, we will make a long long push to Camp 5 at 7,900m. This will certainly be the hardest day other than summit day. Climbing without oxygen to Camp 5 will break all Singapore oxygen-free climbing altitude records. Beng Cheomg will climb to the Col with us , health permitting. Time has run out for him with respect to a summit climb and acclimatisation levels. As for Gil, he is an integral part of the team and we hope we hear scant carping from ill-informed nationalists should he be the only one to summit (!)
Personally,I’m not sure if I can make such a hard day to Camp 5, especially with a strong wind from the west. In any case, I’m taking it camp by camp. Roz and Gil are stronger and faster and will give the route a go for sure. If all goes well, the following day will see us climbing to Camp 6 at 8,300m with bottled oxygen. The route on the north ridge is complex; following a series of highly exposed ledges and ramps. From Camp 6, summit day will involve traversing the Yellow Band, a section of different rock. This involves finding the right gully to ascend before approaching the First Step, a big rock step involving some rock climbing and scrambling. The body of Frances Arsentiev lies at the foot of the Step and is a grisly marker since 1998. All anchors of the fixed ropes in place will be viewed with suspicion owing to the friable nature of the rock overall.
Above the the First Step, the route traverses highly exposed ledges which are poorly protected. The dropoffs at many points here are 2,000-3,000 metres into the Central Rongbuk Glacier. After an hour, the Second Step is reached. The crux pitch is made easier by the yawing, creaky and weathered aluminium ladder from the 1975 expedition. Above the infamous Step are bodies of two Ladakhi climbers from 1996, another macabre reminder of the seriousness of this route. The Third Step can be tackled head on or sidestepped. Even then, the final summit slopes can be loaded with avalanche-prone windslab snow and an avalanche here can also see you down to the Central Rongbuk Glacier. In good conditions, the summit can be reached in 8 hours.
Then the hardest and most dangerous part – descending in possibly deteriorating weather conditions. Hopefully the exit gully entrance can be found and a safe passage made back to Camp 6 before nightfall and the expiry of oxygen supplies.
I give thanks daily that I am even here and in climbing shape and pray for a safe summit attempt for our entire group. TS will fill in with news of our progress.
David Lim
Expedition Leader.
Today’s Supporter Feature:
The club, one of the leading city recreation and sporting clubs since 1883, is supporting the Expedition
through providing venues for its pre- and post-expedition events. The Expedition’s official send-off ceremony was held at the club on March 20th.
Brand’s essence of beef??
Dear Friends,
Today, something definitely of interest to one of our staunch supporters, Mr Lam Pin Woon, CEO of Cerebos Pacific and owners of the Brands Essence of Chicken marque. We have a photo of a 1933 label from a container of “Brand and Co,”s Essence of Beef”. Brand and Co. was the predecessor of the current “Brands” label. Of special note is that this label was found by the Mallory-Irvinee Research Expedition 2001 (see http://www.mountainguides.com). Eric Simonson, the expedition leader, in consultation with the sponsor who has photo rights, has kindly agreed to let us use this remarkable picture of the label found 2 weeks ago at over 8,000 metres on Mt Everest from the 1933 British Everest Expedition. Looks like Brands goes a long way! The label itself has quaint exhortations to ” Beware Imitations” and lengthy preparation instructions.
Although I do not think Brands makes an essence of beef anymore, the Essence of Chicken we have been taking has been very popular, even amongst various American professional climbers here at basecamp.
Go to http://www.brandsworld.com to support our charity drive for the Society for the Physically Disabled! Many thanks
Pic by Andy Politz/2001 Mallory and Irvine Research Expedition/Corbis Sygma
Gil, Roz and BC will return from Tashi Zum tomorrow. Today, we looked at incredibly detailed aerial photo maps of the summit route. It is very complicated and the is a reflection of the seriousness of the route. We’ll have more discussions about this before we leave. Today is the BEST summit day we have seen and one wonders if the fine summit weather has come 2 weeks early and we are missing the boat….We hope there will be another round in mid-May allowing some of us to have a good crack at the route.
Today’s sponsor feature:
Singapore Technologies is one of the Expedition’s premiere sponsors.
The Singapore Technologies (ST) Group is a leading multinational conglomerate whose uniquely diverse portfolio allows it to provide a full array of multi-disciplinary capabilities. Our activities include research and development, design and engineering, and precision manufacturing in the following five core business areas:
Engineering Business Group: production, upgrading, development and maintenance of complex engineering systems in specialised fields ranging from aerospace to medical equipment.
Technology Business Group: operating high value-added businesses in the semiconductor, telemedia and electronics and IT industries.
Infrastructure & Logistics Business Group: development and management of industrial parks and resorts, providing logistics and marine-related services, and conducting lifestyle operations.
Property Business Group: development, investment and management of diversified properties both locally and overseas.
Financial Services Business Group: stock-broking, growth financing, mezzanine financing, debt origination and distribution and venture capital investments.
Rescues and Warm Weather
Dear Everest Addicts and Friends,
Many thanks for the kind words from Debi Cornish, Marc le Menestrel, Ken Phua and all our friends.
Positively roasting here today at basecamp with low winds and popcorn-hot sunshine. Am in a T-shirt pounding this out at 3.30pm here. That being said, winds, rain and snow is expected in the next few days. Roz, Beng Cheong and Gil took a jeep down today o a village at about 4,000m to enjoy the warmer and thicker air as well as to sort out their various health problems. They be back on the 9th, 2 days before our summit climb on the 11th. As for me, I prefer the dependable levels of food and water hygiene here!
Yesterday’s rescue of a Chinese glaciologist should be credited to Eric Simonson’s fine team of guides and the extra help from a team of sherpas, Tibetan yakherders and two American climbers descending from ABC. Word got out that two sick Chinese glaciologists were descending from ABC. Within a few hours, two climbers on Eric’s permit were at the scene assisting as were three American guides who had postponed their summit push. By turning around and coordinating sherpas and other helpers, they almost certainly saved the life of the sicker of the two Chinese. The turning point was when the stretcher party reached the Intermediate Camp (5,900m). Here, oxygen was available to the non-ambulant victim (he was suffering from a combination of cerebral and pulmonary edema-PE). He was already incoherent, frothing bloody sputum at the mouth – all sure signs of advanced PE.
A high flow rate of oxygen was supplied and laborious task of carrying him down the rugged terrain to basecamp went on for hours. Additional guides were dispatched up as were what sherpas were available at our basecamp. Gil and I had returned to basecamp from a four hour hike when we realised the scale of this operation. Again, our portable altitude chamber at basecamp provided additional support when the casualties were finally brought in at 7pm+.
After two hours in the pressure bag and on oxygen plus a plethora of altitude sickness drugs administered by Dr Lee Meyers, the victim was placed into a jeep with a third tank of oxygen and driven with his teammates down to Shigatse (12 hours away) where a hospital exists. It won’t be known until the team of glaciologists return whether or not he survived unscathed.
An interesting note is that this team arrived at Basecamp and moved to ABC at 6,500m only after two days of acclimatisation at basecamp (5,300m). Worse, they said they had done prior scientific trips to the area on a similarly aggressive schedule and had had members suffer ill-effects. All I can quote is climber John Bachar’s view on mountaineering Darwinism: “Dumb ones die”.
On a more positive note, it is thanks to expeditions like the one we’re sharing a camp with that allows for committed, competent and well-equipped rescues to happen and for lives to be saved.
Today’s picture is by Rozani “Terry La France climbing up the North Col in bad weather”
We’ll have Roz’s personal account of his climb to the Col and above when he returns.
Pic by Rozani “Terry La France climbing up the North Col in bad weather”.
Hi everyone,
Yesterday evening, Rozani made it back to base camp. He went on an acclimatization climb to North Col. He’s resting up now.
Today, David & Gil went trekking up a ‘frozen’ river about 100m away from base camp. After more than a week at Basecamp, itchy feet dictated a 4 hour hike up towards Kellas Peak via the interesting frozen river.
Currently, there’s a rescue of a sick Chinese climber who’s being stretchered down from ABC. It looks grim. More details later.
Ting Sern
Hoje eh o nosso 9 dia aqui no Base e tivemos 3 dias com tempo mais agradavel…pouco vento. Aproveitamos ontem para ir conhecer o Monasterio de Rongbuck que fica a uns 6km daqui. Este monasterio, parcialmente destruido, eh o mais alto do mundo (5.000m) e tem uma visao do priviligiada do Everest. Hoje, David e eu subimos um vale aqui proximo. O fundo do vale eh praticamente um glacial com uma largura aproximada de 20m e todo em degraus, o que facilita a subida. O contraste do gelo muito branco com as rochas nuas ao redor eh surreal.
Bem, o tempo “considerado” bom esta acabando e a previsao para a amanha jah eh de muito vento. Inclusive volta o “Jet stream” nas altitudes acima dos 8.000m, impossibilitando chegar ao cume do Everest nestes dias.
Rozani voltou ontem do Colo Norte e esta bem. Devemos ir para cima novamente ai pelo dia 10 ou 11 de maio.
Novamente agradeco aos e-mails de incentivo. Saibam que eh com muita alegria que os recebemos…pois aqui eh dureza mesmo.
Para aqueles que perguntaram a sequencia de escalada eh a seguinte. Inicio: Campo Base (5.400m); 2 – Campo Base Avancado (ABC _ 6.500m), dois dias de caminhada do Base; 3 – Colo Norte a 7.100m; 4 – Campo 5 a 7.800m; 5 – Campo 6 a 8.300m; 6 – Cume a 8.850m :o)…No site tem um mapa que dah para entender direitinho.
Hi everyone!
Today is our 9th day down in the Base Camp and we had 3 days with slightly better weather… less wind. Yesterday, we used the day to visit the Rongbuk Monastery, about 6km far from here. This partially destroyed monastery is the highest in the world at 5,000m, and has a wonderful view of the Everest. Today, David and I went walked up a valley close to the BC, whose bottom is practically a glacier 20m wide, shaped like steps, which makes walking
easier. The view formed by the contrast of the very white ice and the bare rocks around it is surreal.
Well, the weather that we “considered” good, is running out and the forecast is of strong winds, including jet streams over 8,000m, making it impossible for one to reach the summit of Everest in the next few days.
Rozani came back yesterday from the North Col and is feeling good. We shall be climbing up again around May 10th or 11th.
Once again I thank you for the motivating emails, it is very pleasant for us to receive them… it is really tough here.
For those how asked the climbing sequence, here it is:
Start: Base Camp – 5,400m
Advanced Base Camp, ABC – 6,500m, two days walking from BC
North Col – 7,100m
Camp 5 – 7,800m
Camp 6 – 8,300m
Summit – 8,850m
Big Hug,
TODAY, we feature …
Established in 1993, the SMF has been the national sporting association for mountaineering and climbing sports. It currently has 15 affiliate club members of which the Mountaineering Society is one. The SMF’s role is to represent Singapore’s climbing interests at home and abroad. SMF’s endorsement of the Expedition is in line with encouraging and promoting self-regulation and accountability in mountain sports in Singapore.
$10 to Rongbuk Monastry
Dear Friends,
It has been snowing all night at Basecamp. It was like a white Christmas day being captured in a black & white photo. The snow dump is ever bigger up above ABC, resulted in a decision made by the sherpas to return back down to ABC. These sherpas were supposed to assist an American climber up for his summit bid this morning. Looks like his effort of 12 hours pushed yesterday to Camp 5 was really wasted.
This morning, Gil and David managed to catch a good deal from the Chinese jeep driver to go down to Rongbuk Monestary for a visit. Well, due to their problem of speaking Mandarin, I went along to assist. We went looking for Mr.Lui, our LO to ask for the cost of hiring a jeep. We couldn’t find him in his office. Everything was locked up?. We thought whether today is a Chinese public holiday? Eventually, after asking around, we found Mr. Lui with three other Chinese guys gambling inside a Chinese teahouse tent. We were told by Mr. Lui that the standard cost of jeep hire to Rongbuk Monestary is US$10/- per person.
After hearing myself and Ting Sern experience a 6 hour walk, there and back, Dave and Gil decided to chill out and take the jeep option. They had a great photography trip as Everest was in full view! The only disadvantage is, they started a bit late… Yup! They missed a great lunch at Basecamp!
Signing Off,
Beng Cheong